The Beneficiary of the project is Turkish Human Rights Institution, and the Contracting Authority is Central Finance and Contracting Unit. The overall objective of the Project is to provide full compliance of human rights actually enjoyed by Turkish citizens and the civil society as a whole with principles and practices in accordance with the highest standards indicated by the prominent international instruments that Türkiye is a party to.
The project successfully completed the setting of standards of procedures to be followed by the provincial and sub-provincial human rights boards (bureaus) and human rights complaints application desks by organising workshops and round table meetings and delivering training; preparation of the operational guidance material as well as designing and delivering training courses on complaint-taking procedures and women’s rights, children’s rights and taking and processing violation applications; raising awareness by training on children’s rights to be carried out at schools, organising joint meetings and conferences with the local NGOs on women’s rights and launching campaigns to impact target groups through spot films, educational materials, animations and short movies.