Technical Assistance for Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training (VET)

The Beneficiaries of the project is the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and the Ministry of National Education and the Contracting Authority is the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The purpose of the project is to promote investment in human resources by increasing the quality of VET and improving the linkages between vocational […]
Upgrading the Statistical System of Turkey Programme Phase III

The Beneficiary of the project is TurkStat and the Contracting Authority is the Central Finance and Contracts Unit. The purpose of the project is to further improve the compliance with the EU standards in the selected areas of the statistical system of Türkiye and to ensure efficient coordination in gathering statistics by TurkStat. The Project […]
Feasibility Study for a Rural MSME Loan Programme

The objective of the project is to analyse the potential of a rural MSME rural loan program with Ziraat Bank. In this regard, a market study (including analysis of demand and supply side) and selection of appropriate target regions were carried out. Findings including information acquired during communication with donor institutions and public authorities, business […]
Technical Assistance for Strengthening the Capacities of Ministry of Transport IPA Unit and End-Recipients

The Beneficiary of the project is Ministry of Transport, Maritime and Communications and the Contracting Authority is Central Finance and Contracting Unitç The overall objective of the project is to strengthen the institutional capacity of the Ministry of Transport — IPA Unit and potential end-recipients through the activities under the transport operational programme of the […]
Technical Assistance for Support to the Local Human Rights Boards and Women’s Rights Awareness

The Beneficiary of the project is Turkish Human Rights Institution, and the Contracting Authority is Central Finance and Contracting Unit. The overall objective of the Project is to provide full compliance of human rights actually enjoyed by Turkish citizens and the civil society as a whole with principles and practices in accordance with the highest […]
Technical Assistance for Sustainable Tourism Development in Mardin

The Beneficiary of the project is the Governorship of Mardin and the Contracting Authority is the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The purpose of the project is to contribute to the social and economic development of Mardin by improving competitiveness of the tourism industry through a sustainable tourism development strategy and action plan and […]
Technical Assistance for Development of Osmaniye Enterprise Development Centre (Osmaniye İŞGEM)

The Beneficiary of the project is the Governorship of Osmaniye and the Contracting Authority is the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. With the objective of contributing to the socio-economic development of Osmaniye and to establish a new incubator (İŞGEM) in selected regions, the project reached the aim of developing and disseminating qualified and comprehensive […]
Establishment of a Common Use Facility (Furniture and Auto Mechanics) and Small Business Advisory Services Unit in Amasya

The Beneficiary of the project is Amasya Union of Chambers of Tradesman and Craftsman and the Contracting Authority is Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The project successfully improved the competitiveness of the micro scale enterprises, operating mainly as furniture manufactures or auto mechanics and setup advisory services focused on the requirements of the target […]
Technical Assistance to Support for Preparation of Local Development Strategy (LEADER)

The Beneficiary of the project is General Directorate of Agricultural Reform, and the Contracting Authority is Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and ARDSI. With the project, Local Action Groups for preparation of sustainable strategies which are named as Local Development Strategies in rural development were supported and awareness in this field raised.
Technical Assistance for Developing an Institution Model for Children Staying with their Mothers

General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses of Ministry of Justice is the Beneficiary of this technical assistance while the Ministry of Justice acts as the Lead Institution. With the project, it was aimed at providing technical assistance to the End Beneficiary and the affiliated penal institutions under two components, the first of which is […]